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More Pictures of Miskel Farm

Miskel Farm did not look like the present residential property during the Civil War. Still privately owned, it is marked by a historic marker and a plaque on a gatepost. It is sometimes called Miskell Farm or Miskel's Farm.

The historical marker reads:


Battle of Miskel Farm - March 31, 1863

Captain John Singleton Mosby and 69 of his Confederate Ranger Troop were surprised at dawn while sleeping here in the Miskel farmhouse and hay barn by 150 Union cavalry. Though greatly outnumbered, Captain Mosby led his rangers on foot with revolvers and sabres to complete victory over the entire Union force. Not only did Mosby and his troop escape the trap, but they accounted for 23 Union casualties and 82 prisoners, losing only 6 men themselves. For this remarkable feat Mosby was promoted to major by General Robert E. Lee and President Jefferson Davis of the Confederacy.

Potomac Historical Society

Click on an image below to see a larger photo and more information or start here and page through.

manor marker
Here Mosby's Rangers were surprised by Union Cavalry
miskel1750 miskel4
Sign: Miskell Farm, c. 1750 Enlarged and modernized house

Confederate Monument

Field Trip to this and related sites | Other Mosby Field Trip

Copyright 2004-2005. Photos taken by Linda Walcroft



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